Monday 25 August 2008

My “glamorous” life

So far I’ve done quite a few interesting things in my life. Such as: I’ve travelled a bit, I’ve seen certain things that I would not have been able to if I had just stayed home, I’ve gone to some amazing gigs, and so on. However, those are sparks of happiness that quickly fade away and don’t have much to do with my daily routine living abroad. Of course I have no regrets about this life that I chose and fought for, I’m not moaning. I also do value what I’ve done so far and what I still can do, but it does piss me off whenever anyone says how “jealous in a good way” (as if that was possible) they are of me. Don’t be. Everybody has got their own path in life. Besides, a lot of people wouldn’t be willing to go through the sacrifices bit.

It’s easy to say you would be able to put up with the cold, for instance, when you’re sick of living in a city that is always between 25-30 °C. Another thing is to actually experience a cold that is so harsh that you can feel it in your bones. Not everyone would be willing to be most of the time away from the people they love, from the culture and language they know, or to live on a strict budget after having a life of privileges. Again, I’m not victimizing myself, nor I am going to make a list of all the lame things I’ve already been through in the last five years. This is just yet another explanation, since some of what I might write in this blog might give people the false illusion that I have a glamorous jet-set lifestyle.

However, if I can let out at least one of the things that has been bugging me a lot lately (because I’m currently living it) is the fact that when you are a foreigner you are much more vulnerable to the abuse of people, whether those are your bosses, your so called friends, or even your housemates. It is amazing how power can reveal what people truly are like. Even if this power is a simple thing such as letting you watch your favourite TV show or not simply based on who’s got the remote first. Nevertheless, most of these are things I can deal with. I’m no “Pollyanna”, but I do believe that if you have your mind set on specific, good and important (to you) goals, silly things like that cannot stop you. And I do have faith – the title of this blog is a sort of “homage” to the things we cannot predict. Of course that are good and bad unexpected things, but from my own experience, sometimes when we think all is lost, suddenly there is a turn of events for the best.

I still have quite a lot to live. And one day I shall have my Mushaboom dream fulfilled (check the Feist song by this name to see what I mean). Then I’ll just laugh remembering these days.