Thursday 21 August 2008

A bit of an explanation

This blog’s aim is for me to practice my writing. Although I might share my personal experiences here, I have no intention to make it “diary-like”. I don’t think my opinions are necessarily the best about films, music, politics or whatever, but if anyone who reads this can somehow benefit from what I write, then great! That is one of the reasons why I rather put this on the internet than just keeping it all to myself.

I will probably write mostly in English. A simple reason for that is that I don’t want my skills on that language to go “rusty”, so writing here will allow me to keep on practising. Another reason is that I believe I can reach more people like that. So please, no lame “globalization-domination” talks, or “your English is crap”, ok? On the other hand, depending on what I write and how I feel about it, I might just as well write in my good ol’ mother tongue, Brazilian Portuguese. Eventually I might even write in Spanish, but since now I’m living in Spain and I already do most of my coursework in that language, it might not be that often. So there you have it, a multilingual blog.

I don’t know how often I will post, and not even if I’m really going to be able to keep on writing, but if I do, I’ll try my best to keep this place somewhat interesting. I intend to write pretty much in whatever way I fancy, and about whatever I want to. If you have any comments, please forward them to the email indicated beside. Not only I’m still mastering this html world (as in learning how to put pictures on, making the blog look good and other details such as putting a comments box), but I also don’t see why everyone else should see the comments. If you have anything to say, you can write it directly to me and that is it. You’re gonna be more than welcome if you do!

As for the “rights” issue, I’ll try to sort it with Creative Commons. For now, yes, you may quote me, but please have some common sense. Don’t say you’ve written what are actually my own words, nor say that I said things that I didn’t, to give you some basic examples. On another practical note, yes, I do use the adds from Google and I’m not ashamed about it.

At the age of 28, I found myself already forgetting things. No, it ain’t that serious yet, but on the other hand I think this could lead to yet another reason why I should write on a blog: so I don’t forget; so in the future, I can revive these times I’m living now. It should be a fun ride… care to join me?