Wednesday 4 March 2009

So this is who I am...

This explains a lot.
And no, I haven't given up on this blog. Not yet. I've just been kinda busy.
In this meanwhile I've travelled home for a month. To sum it up, I had wonderful holidays!
I've also moved. Twice. Now I think I'll be settled for a while. I'm still looking for jobs though, and still coping with stupid paperwork. But I'm trying to remain positive and carrying on with my stuff.
I've been trying hard to use the carpe diem approach into my life, in what concerns others and my own self, and one of the actions that led me to was getting back to a gym after 8 years or so of no activity... but now I exercise in my own terms. I only do what I like, and that means Yoga, Pilates and things of the such. Soon enough I might not be able to afford exercising anymore, but til' then, my health will surely benefit from it.
Every now and then I still feel a bit gloomy, but perhaps it is just the winter blues, which will hopefully end in a couple of weeks... I know who I am better know, after all these years being away, and that is to be valued. I'm much more at ease with myself nowadays. For example, I still love watching comedies and films in general rather than going to any disco, and that is ok. I'm the geek who loves Lost, House, South Park and Medium. And yeap, I still love eating proper Italian pizza.
Whoever you are reading me now, thank you for taking your time to check this! I hope you don't feel too bored or confused by such a miscellaneous blog.
Anyways, I'll finish this bla-bla-bla with a video of a singer who's way to dear for me to even start taking about her! She's been translating my feelings for over ten years of my life now. I heart you, Fiona!